TawnyaRae's Weight Loss Journal


This page will hold the photos and stats of my milestones through my Weight Loss Journey.

My milestones are listed and the pictures of me as I meet each one. I may include images of my rewards too.

I'm a 33 year old mom. We live in MA where I'm a  teller at a small community bank. Along with trying to lose the 40# that I've gained over the last 5.5 years - I'm also working full time, caring for my kids, crocheting lots of projects and trying to finish my college degree a class at a time.
So things are a bit nuts.


Starting Weight 179#

It was at this point that I restarted WW online and began counting my points dearly. I made my list of goals and milestones and rewards and started watching what I eat. When I get to the first 10# I'll go weigh in at a formal WW meeting and reset my goal weight and my lifetime status. Yes, I was lifetime in 2003!


10# Lost - 169#

10 down - 28 to go! I went to my first WW official Weigh In since 2005 on 9-17-08, I hope to be back in two weeks and down another 2-4#. My  next goal is 10% by Halloween.

REWARDS - something for me for every step of the way.

  • One tanning session for every pound I lose - goal of #25 by Christmas.
  • One CD (12 downloaded songs) for every inch I lose (waist, hips, and bust combined). Grand total of 20 Inches.


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